I stepped outside this morning and heard church bells ringing from the direction of downtown. The sound stopped me in my tracks and I listened until they ended. I needed that sound, and I don't believe my hearing them at precisely that moment was an accident.
I, like you, possibly, have felt so down lately. We turn on the news and it is all about numbers, cases, and deaths and who is and who isn't doing this or that. We drive to the grocery store and still see the bareness and lack of normal choices. We drive downtown and up and down the street, and doors are closed and parking spaces are empty. It's gloomy and eery and doesn't sit well in my heart.
I have prayed. I have worshiped. I have pivoted in business. I have spent time with my kids, started a giant jigsaw puzzle, and enjoyed time with my husband. I have cooked more. I have walked more. I have even slept more and cleaned and organized more, and all of these things are good. But to be honest, in the midst of all these good things, I have still felt a nagging sadness.
And, then those bells. No, I didn't miraculously feel a giant weight lift off of me. It was more like a gentle nudge. A reminder. There is a bigger picture. A bigger God. And, He loves me, and all his people so much that He was willing to take our sin, die in our place, and rise again so that we can be reconciled to Him and live forever with Him.
Just typing that makes me want to kneel and shout, Praise His Holy Name!
And y'all, knowing and believing this?...That's what true JOY is! And that my friend is the Best Thing! The Most Important Thing!
Y'all, I don't want to come off uber-religious, hoaky, or pollyanna...but If I don't gain another thing in this life, if my business survives or doesn't, if I wake up happy or sad, if I become sick again, or if we lose all our hard earned retirement through this...all is well with my soul!
So, tomorrow, when I wake up, I am going to listen for those bells...search for those bells, not take a single step until I hear those bells because ALL my hope is in Jesus!
(and yes, I'm writing metaphorically here, but what I'm saying is each morning I'm going to do what is needed to help me remember this truth!)
What a weekend y'all! Easter! It's going to be so different than all the Easters before. We will have less food, less seats at the table, no corporate worship, no big egg hunts, no new Easter dresses, etc, and I'm sure you are having those same thoughts. But friends, join me, listen for the bells...or whatever it is...that reminds you God is Alive, He is Risen, He is working, and He loves you passionately!
Happy Easter,